Saturday, April 17, 2010

Blessed and Humbled!!!

Today, I sit here on my couch in the apartment feeling overwhelmed with blessings and humbled by the grace of God! This week has been a whirlwind of excitement and craziness. It has also been filled with lots of love and laughter. I have had towork through most of this moving process which is kinda sad, but I am extremely blessed that I have great friends and family who are working hard and helping us paint and get the house together. God amazes me with every waking breath.

This past week a girl named Megan has been on heart and mainly because she needs a heart. They gave a mechanical heart that will last up until Tuesday, and if they cannot find a heart for her by then doesn't look good. I have never met this girl, but her story is touching the lives of many. She has been handling this situation with her trust in the Lord. She knows that He has complete control and is trusting in that fact! My heart goes out to her family and friends and if anyone reads this please keep Megan in your heart!!!!

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