Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Life is to Short!! Enjoy it!!

"I believe Christ had a warm smile and a great sense of humor" I just read this from the book Jesus, The One and Only by Beth Moore If you think about it, this has to be true! Luke 2:52 says "Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men." Why do you think people were drawn to Jesus, Yes he was God's son, but he also had to have this amazing personality that drew people to him. I know I love nothing more than when someone makes me laugh and sometimes when I'm sitting in the car coming home from work, and God and I are talking, I sometimes find myself laughing at our conversation. God gave me this weird quirky sense of humor and I know he is up in Heaven laughing at me. I mean come on, he made me blonde for a reason!! He knew I would need a good excuse for how I act sometimes! Can you imagine being back in Jesus's time and actually getting to sit next to him and hear him talk. talk about the ultimate preacher!! :) I sometimes place myself in those times and wonder what kind of conversations would we have.

Today has been crazy...a co-worker of mine is about to lose her sister in-law whom she was pretty close to and another co-worker of mine might be losing her cousin. Life is way to short!! It makes you put things in perspective and realize you really gotta live life to fullest and for me that means making Jesus famous and that is my ultimate goal for my life! If anyone reads this please keep Debbie's family in your prayers and mica's as well! Good Night world!