Monday, December 13, 2010

It has been a long time since I've just wrote so I thought I would try again and see what happens.

This past couple of months have been whirlwind. I don't even know where to begin. I've learned that when you give 10 percent God really does come through for ya!! I've also learned to really trust in the Lord and watch him at work. Even in all the chaos and bad news and heartache and sadness, God is in Control!! He has control over every situation. I've been watching another mom go through one of the most horrible things a parent has to go through, watching their son go home to the Lord. I've watched this 8 years ago and I'm watching it all over again. It breaks my heart, but I'm inspired by these Moms!! Even though they are feeling feelings I can't even imagine and the heartache they are going through has to be one of the worst heartaches imaginable, they still remain the strongest women I know. I am so glad that these women have been placed in my life to show me how to laugh through the heartache, and to remember all the little moments in life that seem to pass us by.

I've often wondered why God uses this time of year to bring so much heartache, but it's this time of year that we usually draw us closer to the Lord because we are reminded of why He was born. He chose to be born!! He knew what his life would contain and He still chose to be born. He knew he would live a short life, but what a short life that was!!!!! I look at Danny, Lisa, and Noah's life and even though they were here for such a short time their lives have touched so many people and most stories haven't even been told yet. They have shown us how to smile, dance, sing, and remember the moments in life that really matter!!

This time year is not about the gifts, its about the moments!! My favorite moments this time of year are shopping with my dad for my mom's gift and how fast he goes into a store finds what he wants and gets it and then afterwards we have dinner! Its about hanging out it with mom as she shops for her friends gifts, she's a perfectionist and takes her time finding the perfect gifts. This year so far the greatest moment has been me and Mel decorating our tree and laughing hysterically because we don't know how to do lights!! I love Christmas breakfast with my family, especially the preparing of it!! My mom telling my dad to get out of the kitchen and let her cook, and my dad joking with her that she is going to burn the biscuits again! She does this almost every year!! I love these moments!

This year has been a true blessing! I have so many things to be thankful for! Right now I'm watching Merry Me on lifetime and its about a girl who wants the fairytale! and I think I'm having the fairytale. This year has had a lot of laughs, tears, learning, and watching God at work!!! :)

I want to say thank you to everyone who my life has stood by my side through everything! Attached are photos of my favorite people in the whole wide world!!!

As I am writing this I just found out that Noah has finally found peace and is up in Heaven celebrating with Jesus!!! I love you Noah and thanks for the dance!!!
I love you all,

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